
"The One That Got Away" And Why I Still Can't Seem To Shake Him

I don't think I'm alone when I confess to you that, from time to time, I still think about "The One That Got Away". I know, I know, I'm sure we all do it. But for me , it happens a little bit more than I'd like to admit . I thought it was meant to be. (You know how the story goes.) But no matter what I do, I can still feel the hole in my heart . The part of my heart that I gave away. The part of my heart that I'll never get back. He was a foreigner- The One That Got Away. I met him on a community service trip to Israel during the winter break of my junior year in college. All it took was 8 days . 8 days for me to fall in love with him. I had never met anyone like him before. He was doing his year of service for the army, working as a guide for the local youth in his village, taking them on field trips and teaching them all about the importance of natural resources. He just so happened to be stationed at the same school I was volunteering at for the

Online Dating: Have We, As A Society, Become Lazy?

If you're anything like me, you're probably pondering the same question I have been struggling with for the past few years. Where are all the good men hiding? And why has it become so hard to find love? While it might sound a little silly, I can assure you that these are legitimate questions. According to the Pew Research Center, approximately 9 in 10 Americans are currently active online daters. Have we, as a society, become lazy? Is it not the norm anymore to meet people organically? Why do we have this sudden fascination with using technology to meet people? Please tell me. Is it the safety we may feel, being able to hide behind a screen and communicate with others without fear of rejection? According to a 2013 Pew Research Center survey, one third of the people who have actually used online dating sites have never even gone on a date with a person they met on a site. So my question is this: Are we only using online dating sites for the satisfaction of knowing we matched w

#YOLO: Why We Should All Be Living Life With Zero Regrets

Food for thought. Mark Twain once said, “Twenty years from now, you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines.  Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.” As women in our twenties, we should all be living by this quote, right? We all have dreams that we may feel are impossible to achieve, but there is no way to know what is and what is not possible unless we try. At least, that's what I've always been taught. While it is much easier said than done , I do believe that we must push ourselves out of our comfort zones and take action. If we  don't, then who will? We are the masters of our own fate. We all make mistakes, and we have all made decisions that maybe weren’t the best ones to make at the time. Regardless, I think that we all need to take the time to realize that the mistakes we have made in life can only help us grow as a person .

Lessons Carrie Bradshaw Can Teach All Women

As a Sex and the City fanatic, I have seen just about every episode of the show that has ever aired. After living vicariously through Carrie’s life for many a season, I have come to realize that there are a few things that Carrie, through her show, has been able to teach all of us girls out there. Women Always (But Shouldn’t) Go for the Emotionally Unavailable Man No matter what we do, we, women, always seem to fall for the same man. (The emotionally unavailable type). This isn't a one-time thing, but rather an embarrassing and overwhelming pattern amongst our gender. While we invest so much time and energy into these men, the truth is, the male-type we so often hopelessly fall for are those who aren’t even capable of having a real relationship at all. While many women feel that they could, in fact, be the one to change these men, it does not usually work in such a manner. We, women, must wake up. We need to realize that we deserve better. We deserve someone who is g

Is Chivalry On Its Way To Extinction?

“Chivalry is dead” seems to be a common statement in today’s society.  But why exactly is this, and who is to blame?  While many women are quick to accuse men for this change, we should really hold our tongues. Women themselves may, in fact, play a part.  1.  We Live In A Hook-Up Culture There’s no getting around it, we live in a hook-up culture. As college students, even more so. We go out, we party, we meet new people, and, on occasion, we have some casual sex. While a couple decades ago, it was taboo to take part in pre-marital sex, according to a recent study conducted by the Public Health Rep, 95% of people in the U.S  have reported having sex before marriage. This shows an incredible change in our society’s views.  By giving ourselves up at an earlier age, we, as women, may be contributing to the decline in chivalry that men are seen to be (or not seen to be) showing. 2. Technology and the Objectification of Women In a world of constant texting , which makes y